VIDEONALE.scope #3

Found Footage: Retrospectives of Joseph Cornell / Christoph Girardet & Matthias Müller
Presented within the framework of CineCologne
A film series by Videonale Bonn
Curated by Daniel Kothenschulte
Joseph Cornell
The third VIDEONALE.scope is dedicated to the genre of “Found Footage” films. The American artist Joseph Cornell (1903-1972) became known for wooden boxes with a glass front, in which he juxtaposed found and made objects in such a way that they merged with one another and seemed to be permanently removed from the outside world. Only later did his film works receive the same attention, even though their concept is founded on a similar constructional method: In the totally subjective montage of film fragments, they generate new relationships of meaning or put their finger on hidden subtexts of the original works. Nowadays found-footage film, which Joseph Cornell made into an art form, is an independent genre of avant-garde film. VIDEONALE.scope presents the first comprehensive retrospective of his films to be shown in Germany, including Cornell’s best known work “Rose Hobart” from 1936. The retrospective will be supplemented by a program of Cornell’s contemporaries and associates. He worked closely with many of them when creating his works, for example, Stan Brakhage, Larry Jordan, Brian Frye and others.
Christoph Girardet & Matthias Müller
IIn Germany Found Footage is particularly associated with two names: Christoph Girardet & Matthias Müller. For 16 years the two film artists have, in their common works, immersed themselves in the history of film and have themselves written film history. In their work they reveal the hidden rituals of classical film narrative and scrutinise the glamorous surface, at the same time celebrating it. Besides this, in their respective solo works they have significantly contributed to the establishing of found footage films as one of the most important dialects in contemporary film and video art, and elevated it artistically to a great height.
In four comprehensive programmes we offer a look both at the solo works of both artists and at the numerous common productions which they have created since the end of the 90s. We also show their award-winning work “Contre-jour” (2009) and their emblematic works “Locomotive” (2008) and “Cut” (2013). The film makers will be present and will provide an introduction to the programmes.
To celebrate the 25th jubilee of the Academy of Media Arts, Cologne, under the title “How we see”, we also present two programmes of short films made by students from recent years.
7 Euro / 5 Euro (reduced)
Combination-Ticket (2 Scope-Program) = 12 Euro / 10 Euro (reduced)