Ansicht v17
Exhibition view VIDEONALE.17, Kunstmuseum Bonn 2019, Photo: Anneke Dunkhase.

Videonale e.V.- Association for the Advancement of Cultural Awareness in the Audio-Visual Field is committed to the presentation, mediation and promotion of contemporary works of video art and time-based art forms as well as to the conservation and study of its historical inheritance.

One of the association’s most important functions is organizing an international festival of video and time-based arts. Since it first took place in 1984, the VIDEONALE – Festival for Video and Time-Based Arts has been held every two years and, with its ambitious program of exhibition and festival program, soon became one of the most important festivals for video and time-based arts in Germany and Europe.

The participants included such pathfinders as Dara Birnbaum, Lynn Hershman, Klaus vom Bruch, Gary Hill, Keren Cytter, Marcel Odenbach, Bill Viola and Christian Jankowski. For many of these artists, VIDEONALE was the first chance to present their work to an international public. To this day VIDEONALE has remained true to its founding principle of casting light on the current trends in time-based arts and presenting these to the general public. It continues to focus on the advancement of aspiring young artists, while also presenting established positions of video art.

Since 2005 VIDEONALE has been using the spaces of Kunstmuseum Bonn. Since the festival moved to the museum the investigation and development of new ways of presenting video art in museum spaces has been the subject of particular attention. For every VIDEONALE, a new designer-architect team is invited to develop a new exhibition architecture for the up to 35 video works presented in the show.

During the time between the biennial VIDEONALE editions, the Videonale association organizes, among others Elektronenströme (streams of electrons), a series of lectures dealing with current discussions and positions of video art, as well as the film series VIDEONALE.scope, a yearly series of retrospectives on filmmakers dealing with the interfaces between experimental film, film and video art. The association further tours its program as Videonale on Tour with presentations at institutions worldwide and organizes on a regular basis workshops and educational projects like The Chosen Ones, Video nights in living rooms and Code_X.

Since 2010 the association further digitizes step-by-step its extensive archive holdings from more than 30 years of festival history. The works are made accessible for research for the general public through the Online-VideoArchive of Videonale. More than 200 video works are already available in the archive. On our digital platform VIDEONALE X you will find further information on the works of the Videonale as well as desktop selfies, how-to videos, artist talks and much more.

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